a project at FI MU, ICS MUNI starting in 2023; development of a web app for table top exercises; code review, mentoring, system design
my digital garden
The 4-Hour Workweek
Stop working and fully enjoy your life! Easy, isn’t it?
Software Engineering Guidelines
guidelines for TTX project
Radek Hábl
známý z Prahy
Materials related to my work both at companies and as a freelancer
Matěj Křístek
Miloš Jakubíček
kolega a šéf z LCL
Vít Suchomel
kolega z LCL
Tereza Olšanová
kolegyně z LCL
Michal Cukr
kolega z LCL, student z PLINu
Vojtěch Kovář
kolega z LCL
Pavel Rychlý
kolega z LCL
Jan Michelfeit
kolega z LCL
Adam Kilgarriff
his great aunt was Wittgenstein’s typist