About me
About page with links and details, used as a CV.
What I am doing now
a page describing what I’ve been doing recently
Tea ratings
list of teas with notes and rating
About me – miscellaneous
Various facts about me
Wine ratings
list of wines witn notes and rating (taken from my Vivino app)
Patterns for Personal Web Sites
a list of good practices for personal web sites
How to contact me
Preferred way of contacting me
Search for common ancestors
How I found out that my wife is my 3rd cousine once removed
What I use
A list of things I use regularly
I am 83% normal
my results from an online assessment tool
what I use, where you can find my work and some online albums
Academic Bio
a short academic bio
Vít Baisa, Ph.D.
a short profile for CorpusMate
Daily nutrition statistics
an estimate of daily calories intake
Vít Baisa
Portfolio with qualifications, skills, experience and other activities
My beliefs
a set of beliefs and the reasoning behind them with references
Personal stuff, texts about me and my family
My education
What school I attended and what courses/workshops I passed.