Reading list (web articles)
Society, social networks, politics
- Theory of Soundscape Ecology
- There’s no such thing as a tree (phylogenetically)
- Experiment design
- Physics sylabus
- How we burn calories
- Reinventing explanation
- How a Human Smell Receptor Works Is Finally Revealed
- Immune
- How computationaly complex is neuron
- Does one simple rule underlie learning in the brain?
Machine learning, AI, LLMs
- Awesome Music Links
- Automatic Music Composition
- Dissonance
- Researchers’ AI aligns sheet music with MIDI audio
Programming, software engineering
- Codeless code
- What AI can do
- FastAPI tutorial
- Under 500 lines of code
- A pedometer from scratch
- Consent, GDPR and Google Analytics
- pz Python CLI tool
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (by P. Norvig)
- Design Patterns for Humans
- Python Design Patterns
- The Lines of Code That Changed Everything
- i18n Best Practices for Front-End Developers
- Forth
- Unpacking Elixir: concurrency
- The terminal, core utils, and shell – a bit of history
- Why on earth are we already lamenting the fall of LLMs
- My heuristics for interacting with humans
- Unicode – what every dev must know about Unicode
- What every programmer should know about memory
- Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
- Anatomy of terminal
- On being a senior Engineer
Self-improving, rationality
- Spacing effect for learning
- Don’t shoot yourself in the foot
- Recognize misconceptions
- Common Probability Errors to avoid
- Heuristics That Almost Always Work
- Best essays
- Confronting Failure as a Core Life Skill
- Embrace Complexity
- Tools for thoughts by Michael Nielsen
Linguistics, philosophy
- International Linguistics Olympiad, sample tasks
- A Nihilist’s Guide to Meaning
- Memories are made by breaking DNA
Plain text notes, knowledge organization
published: 2022-02-01
last modified: 2024-07-13
last modified: 2024-07-13