Machine Translation: Evaluation
Back to Introduction, Rule-based systems and Statistical approach.
Motivation for MT evaluation
- fluency: is the translation fluent, in a natural word order?
- adequacy: does the translation preserve meaning?
- intelligibility: do we understand the translation?
Evaluation scale
adequacy | fluency | ||
5 | all meaning | 5 | flawless English |
4 | most meaning | 4 | good |
3 | much meaning | 3 | non-native |
2 | little meaning | 2 | dis-fluent |
1 | no meaning | 1 | incomprehensible |
Disadvantages of manual evaluation
- slow, expensive, subjective
- inter-annotator agreement (IAA) shows people agree more on fluency than on adequacy
- another option: is X better than Y? → higher IAA
- or time spent on post-editing
- or how much cost of translation is reduced
Automatic translation evaluation
- advantages: speed, cost
- disadvantages: do we really measure quality of translation?
- gold standard: manually prepared reference translations
- candidate $c$ is compared with $n$ reference translations $r_i$
- the paradox of automatic evaluation: the task corresponds to situation
where students are to assess their own exam: how they know
where they made a mistake? - various approaches: n-gram shared between $c$ and $r_i$, edit distance, …
Recall and precision on words
$$\text{precision} = \frac{\text{correct}}{\text{output-length}} = \frac{3}{6} = 50%$$
$$\text{recall} = \frac{\text{correct}}{\text{reference-length}} = \frac{3}{7} = 43%$$
$$\text{f-score} = 2 \times \frac{\text{precision} \times \text{recall}}{\text{precision} + \text{recall}} = 2 \times \frac{.5 \times .43}{.5+.43} = 46%$$
Recall and precision: shortcomings
metrics | system A | system B |
precision | 50% | 100% |
recall | 43% | 100% |
f-score | 46% | 100% |
It does not capture wrong word order.
- standard metrics (2001)
- IBM, Papineni
- n-gram match between reference and candidate translations
- precision is calculated for 1-, 2- ,3- and 4-grams
- brevity penalty
$$\hbox{BLEU} = \min \left( 1,\frac{\text{output-length}}{\text{reference-length}} \right) ; \big( \prod_{i=1}^4 \text{precision}_i \big)^\frac{1}{4}$$
BLEU: an example
metrics | system A | system B |
precision (1gram) | 3/6 | 6/6 | precision (2gram) | 1/5 | 4/5 | precision (3gram) | 0/4 | 2/4 | precision (4gram) | 0/3 | 1/3 | brevity penalty | 6/7 | 6/7 | BLEU | 0% | 52% |
- NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
- weighted matches of n-grams (information value)
- very similar results as for BLEU (a variant)
- Ngram EVAluation
- BLEU score adapted for short sentences
- it takes into account synonyms (stylistic richness)
- Word Accuracy for Translation
- edit distance between $c$ and $r$
$\hbox{WAFT} = 1 - \frac{d + s + i}{max(l_r, l_c)}$
- Translation Edit Rate
- the least edit steps (deletion, insertion, swap, replacement)
- $r =$ dnes jsem si při fotbalu zlomil kotník
- $c =$ při fotbalu jsem si dnes zlomil kotník
- TER = ?
$$\hbox{TER} = \frac{\hbox{number of edits}}{\hbox{avg. number of ref. words}}$$
- Human TER
- $r$ manually prepared and then TER is applied
- aligns hypotheses to one or more references
- exact, stem (morphology), synonym (WordNet), paraphrase matches
- various scores including WMT ranking and NIST adequacy
- extended support for English, Czech, German, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
- high correlation with human judgments
Evaluation of evaluation metrics
Correlation of automatic evaluation with manual evaluation.
EuroMatrix II
Round-trip translation
- a kind of evaluation
Factored translation models I
- SMT models do not use linguistic knowledge
- lemmas, PoS, stems helps with data sparsity
- translation of vectors instead of words (tokens)
- in standard SMT: dům and domy are independent tokens
- in FTM they share a lemma, PoS and morph. information
- lemma and morphologic information are translated separately
- in target language, appropriate wordform is then generated
- FMT in Moses
Tree-based translation models
- SMT translates word sequences
- many situations can be better explained with syntax:
moving verb around a sentence, grammar agreement at long distance, … - → translation models based on syntactic trees
- for some language pairs it gives the best results
Synchronous phrase grammar
- EN rule: NP → DET JJ NN
- DE rule: NP → DET NN JJ
- synchronous rule NP → DET$_1$ NN$_2$ JJ$_3$ | DET$_1$ JJ$_3$ NN$_2$
- final rule N → dům | house
- mixed rule N → la maison JJ$_1$ | the JJ$_1$ house
Parallel tree-bank
Syntactic rules extraction
Hybrid systems of machine translation
- combination of rule-based and statistical systems
- rule-based translation with post-editing by SMT (e.g. smoothing with a LM)
- data preparaion for SMT based on rules, changing output of SMT based on rules
- Chimera, UFAL
- TectoMT + Moses
- better than Google Translate (En-Cz)
Computer-aided Translation
- CAT – computer-assisted (aided) translation
- out of score of pure MT
- tools belonging to CAT realm:
- spell checkers (typos): hunspell
- grammar checkers: Lingea Grammaticon
- terminology management: Trados TermBase
- electronic translation dictionaries: Metatrans
- corpus managers: Manatee/Bonito
- translation memories: MemoQ, Trados
Translation memory
- DB of segments: titles, phrases, sent., terms, par.
- translated manually → translation units
- advantages:
- everything is translated only once
- cost reducing (repeated translation)
- disadvantages:
- majority is commercial
- translation units are know-how
- bad translation is repeated
- CAT suggests translations based on exact match
- vs. exact context match, fuzzy match
- combining with MT
Questions: examples
- Enumerate at least 3 rule-based MT systems.
- What does abbreviation FAHQMT mean?
- What does IBM-2 model adds to IBM-1?
- Explain noisy channel principle with its formula.
- State at least 3 metrics for MT quality evaluation.
- State types of translation according to R. Jakobson.
- What does Sapir-Whorf hypothesis claim?
- Describe Georgetown experiment (facts).
- State at least 3 examples of morphologically rich languages (different language families).
- What is the advantage of systems with interlingua against transfer systems?
Draw a scheme of translations between 5 languages for these two types of systems. - Give an example of a problematic string for tokenization (English, Czech).
- What is tagset, treebank, PoS tagging, WSD, FrameNet, gisting, sense granularity?
- What advantages does space-based meaning representation have?
- Which classes of WSD methods do we distinguish?
- Draw Vauquois’ triangle with SMT IBM-1 in it.
- Explain garden path phenomenon and come up with an example for Czech (or English) not used in slides.
- Draw dependency structure for sentence
Máma vidí malou Emu. - Draw the scheme of SMT.
- Give at least 3 sources of parallel data.
- Explain Zipf’s law.
- Explain (using an example) Bayes’ rule (state its formula).
- What is the purpose of decoding algorithms?
- Write down the formula or describe with words Markov’s assumption.
- Examples of frequent 3-, 4-grams (Cz, En).
- We aim at low or high perplexity in language models?
- Describe IBM models (1–5) briefly.
- Draw word alignment matrix for sentences
I am very hungry.
Jsem velmi hladový.
last modified: 2023-11-20