Information is ephemeral. True knowledge is foundational.
There is no such thing as easy learning: learning must be effortful in order for it to happen. Digital products make it uniquely easy to trick yourself into thinking that you are learning when you are actually being entertained.
For a long time I distinguished teaching and learning as two separate categories in my digital garden. But these two are interconnected. As a teacher you need to learn not to fall behing. I believe all people should learn all their lives. On the other hand, as a student you learn a topic best when you teach it to another person.
That’s why I decided to merge these two categories.
Before, in learning category I had topics which I myself was trying to learn and in teaching category there were usually study materials I made when teaching a subject or a topic to someone.
Now everything is on one pile and hopefully useful for at least one other person.
Bookmarks related to learning
- LearnAwesome – humanity’s universal map for learning
- Learn Anything – learning resources
- Swadesh list – a universal basic vocabulary
- Learn X in Y minutes
Want to learn
Practical Deep Learning– I am in the process of learning this- Rust by example
- Local first development
- Reinforcement learning
- ML for software engineers
- Elixir
- Python and CUDA by Jeremy Howard
Things to put into ANKI
- hraběcí rada
- LKT, Lakatoš
- Tupolev
- Sputnik
- Apollo
- Idiomy
- frown upon v.
- scorn v.
- disdain
- pithy adj.
- plop v.
- orifice n.
- filibuster - obstrukční řeč/taktika
- divination - věštění
- antics
- bedrudging - neochotný
- rusty - zrezivělý, vyšlý ze cviku
- scientologie
- scintigraphy
- solanka