04 Perl
Today is time for some Perl! It is already installed on my Xubuntu 22.04 LTS in version 5.34.0.
use strict; # pragma that turns some expressions into errors
use warnings; # Perl world recommends
# my for local variables
my $count = 0;
# iterating over lines from std input
foreach my $line (<STDIN>) {
# remove the last char from string
# @ is for arrays; but arrays are accessed with $
my @spl = split(',', $line);
my @lspl = split('-', $spl[0]);
my @rspl = split('-', $spl[1]);
my $inter = 0;
# the following two conditions are overlapping
# for two equal ranges
# that's why we use $inter as a switch
if (int($lspl[0]) <= int($rspl[0])) {
if ($rspl[1] <= $lspl[1]) {
# the right range is inside the left range
$inter = 1;
if (int($lspl[0]) >= int($rspl[0])) {
if ($lspl[1] <= $rspl[1]) {
# the left range is inside the right range
$inter = 1;
if ($inter > 0) {
$count += 1
# Perl print doesn't print newline
print "$count\n";
Second part
use strict;
use warnings;
my $overlaps = 0;
foreach my $line (<STDIN>) {
my @spl = split(',', $line);
my @lspl = split('-', $spl[0]);
my @rspl = split('-', $spl[1]);
# create arrays of integers from the two ranges
my @l = (int($lspl[0])..int($lspl[1]));
my @r = (int($rspl[0])..int($rspl[1]));
my %intersection = ();
# iterate over both arrays and store counts in hash
foreach my $x (@l, @r) {
# find such keys in the hash which have counts == 2
if (grep { $intersection{$_} == 2 } keys %intersection) {
$overlaps += 1;
print "$overlaps\n";
What I learned
- The semicolons at the ends of lines are PITA.
- Perl popularity is low (~2.5%) and on decline.
- Perl’s
, range (..
) andkeys
published: 2022-12-04
last modified: 2023-01-21
last modified: 2023-01-21