Sleeping Habits
recommendations for improving sleeping habits and creating the right conditions for high-quality sleep
During the day
- Be active. Regularly engage in diverse physical activities.
- Try to spend as much time as possible outside, in natural light.
- Limit consumption of fatty and sweet foods, stimulating drinks, alcohol, and tobacco products.
- Keep in mind that an afternoon nap can worsen falling asleep.
- If you need an afternoon nap, do not sleep longer than 30 minutes, the most refreshing is a short nap.
- Lie down and get up at approximately the same time every day (with a tolerance of 30 minutes), including weekends.
- Avoid heavy, sweet, or strongly spiced foods, as well as hunger.
- Eat no later than 3 hours before going to bed (intermitten fasting).
- Do not drink coffee, black or green tea, or energy drinks in the late afternoon.
- Limit your evening alcohol consumption.
- Do not smoke, especially not right before going to bed or during nighttime awakenings.
- At bedtime, do not deal with serious work or personal matters that prevent you from falling asleep.
- Before sleeping, avoid working on a computer, tablet, watching TV, or other electronic media. Electronic media is a source of blue light, which can reduce your sleep needs.
- To support calm sleep, choose relaxation exercises, walks, etc.
In the bedroom
- Minimize noise and light in the sleeping room. Thoroughly darken the windows.
- Ensure appropriate temperature (preferably 18–20°C).
- Use the bed and bedroom exclusively for sleep and sexual activities. In the room designated for sleep, limit all other activities such as watching TV, working on a computer, eating, reading.
- Limit the time spent in bed to sleep only. If you cannot fall asleep within 30 minutes, it is better to get up and focus on another calm activity. Try to lie down again only when you feel sleepy.
published: 2023-04-13
last modified: 2023-04-13
last modified: 2023-04-13