
Forty Tales from the Afterlives

David Eagleman

Summary: 40 short stories with a twist at the end from a very imaginative neuroscientist.

Score: 80 / 100

I’ve read the book because it’s highly recommended by Derek Sivers ( I suspect many people have read the book from the same reason. Just look at the book here on goodreads and see the section “Readers also enjoyed”.


The imagination of Eagleman is amazing. I really appreciate the succinctness. A few sentences for intro, one or two paragraphs of detailing the idea and then, gotcha! Phew, that was good and here goes the next story…

This review has been posted on goodreads.


Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives (Eagleman, David)

fretting through the doomed ignoble cycles of local politics,

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives (Eagleman, David)

fretting through the doomed ignoble cycles of local politics,

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives (Eagleman, David)

we organized and educated ourselves. Instead of fretting

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives (Eagleman, David)

coveted, and ached—just like God Himself. He marveled

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives (Eagleman, David)

joy turn to trepidation as they began to scrap and brawl.

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives (Eagleman, David)

“It is not the brave who can handle the big face, it is the brave who can handle its absence.”

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives (Eagleman, David)

you’ll see one of them arm in arm with the affectionate

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives (Eagleman, David)

you’ll see one of them arm in arm with the affectionate

published: 2021-01-23
last modified: 2023-01-21