Hell Yes or No
What's worth doing
Derek Sivers
Summary: A brief but dense book full of wit, clever questions, ideas and thought food. Derek is compressing many self-help and life-hack books and it is
Score: 90 / 100
My Goodreads review
Take 20 self-help books, make notes, extract highlights. Turn them into short chapters and make readers think about them and you get this book. Sivers is my instant favourite author. No superfluous word. Dense, witty, important.
- You don’t need to be local
- Actions, not words, reveal our real values
- Keep earning your title, or it expires
- Why are you doing?
- Some will always say you’re wrong
- Imitate. We are imperfect mirrors.
- Loving what I used to hate
- The public you is not you
- Character predicts your future
- Fish don’t know they are in water
- Are you present-focused or future-focused?
- Small actions change your self-identity
- If you’re not feeling hell yeah then say no
- Saying no to everything else
- Art is useless, and so am I
- I am a very slow thinker
- Tilting my mirror (motivation is delicate)
- Quitting something you love
- How will this game ends?
- Solitary socialite
- Getting our of a bad state of mind
- There is no speed limit
- Relax for the same result
- Disconnect
- Unlikely places and untangled goals
- When you’re extremely unmotivated
- Think like a bronze medalist, not silver
- Imagining lots of tedious steps? Or one fun step?
- Procrastination hack: change and to or
- There are always more than two options
- Beware of advice
- Switch strategies
- Don’t be a donkey
- I assume I am below average
- Everything is my fault
- I love being wrong
- Singing the counter-melody
- What are the odds of that?
- Two three four One, two three four One
- 232 sand dollars
- My favorite fable
- “Will see” fable
- Don’t be too happy, too sad, be ready for all outcomes
- Obvious to you. Amazing to others
- Happy, Smart and Useful
- How to do what you love and make good money
- What do you hate not doing?
- You don’t need confidence, just contribution
- Let pedestrians define the walkways
- Don’t start a business until people are asking you to
- Parenting: who is it really for?
- OK Milt, I’ll start writing again
- Unlearning
- Subtract
- Smart people don’t think others are stupid
- The mirror: it’s abot you, not them
- Assume men a women are the same
- Moving for good
- Learning the lesson, not the example
- Overcompensate to compensate
- Projecting meaning
- After fitteen years of practice
- Goals shape the present, not the future
- Seeking inspiration?
- Possible futures
- If you think you havent’t found your passion
- Whatever scares you, go do it
published: 2022-01-06
last modified: 2023-09-19
last modified: 2023-09-19